In our first Faces From the Album post, we profiled an insurance executive, entertainer, painter, all from the Seventh Ward and a contractor from Uptown by way of St. James Parish. In this second installment, we present two Uptown businessmen – Alfred Grayson Thomas, a native of Natchez, and Armand Virgil Boutte, Jr., a native of New Iberia.

Mr. Alfred Grayson Thomas – Businessman and Civic Leader
Alfred Grayson Thomas was born in Natchez, Mississippi on 23 May 1890 to Mr. Albert Thomas and Mrs. Fannie Grayson Thomas. Along with his parents and other relatives, he migrated to New Orleans where he attended Leland University and later graduated from New Orleans University. A self-made man, while pursuing his education, Thomas worked as an orderly at Touro Infirmary. Upon his graduation from college, he quickly set about establishing himself in the grocery business. He opened a staple grocery at 2100 Third Street. With the success of that business, he opened a fancy and staple grocery at 2601 Danneel Street, to which he added a delicatessen, specializing in preparing and serving lunches. He was married to the former Miss Maude Ella Fairfax in 1930. They resided at 2725 Louisiana Avenue and later in a very spacious and inviting home at 9101 Apple Street. Mr. Thomas was a dedicated member of the Dillard University Alumni Association and the Dillard Fullbackers Club. As an active Baptist layman, he took an active interest in the Dryades Street Y.M.C.A. and served on its Christian Emphasis Committee. Mr. Thomas was also a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. He died on 6 February 1968 and was buried from the First African Baptist Church and interred in Providence Park Cemetery.
Armand is my grandfather. It was so cool to stumble across this article on him! This is the first time I’ve ever seen a photo of him as a young man. He looks so much like my father! My dad recently came across some of his plays in an envelope my grandmother must have saved. Before that, he had no idea his father was a playwright.