
Below you will find a listing of our past and future events. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization the researchers of CreoleGen are delighted to have opportunities to educate the public about Creole history and culture and the process of genealogical and historical research. For more information about events, contact us at:

February 2014                   Black History Month Presentation

McDonogh 35 High School – Topic: “McDonogh 35: New Orleans’ First Black Public High School”


March 2015                         Genealogy Day Presentation

Gumbo Marie’s Creole Store – Topic: “Beginning Your Family History Research”

9 thoughts on “Events

  1. Hello,

    I have always wanted to do a history of my grandmother, Ms. Gloria Sissac Frank. Her mother was Pauline Broyard and the book, “One Drop,” is based on her first cousin.
    She is now 91 years old and is the longest living Sissac and was wondering if you could do a story on her family history.

    I can be reached at 504-210-6567.

    • Tina, sorry it’s taken so long for a reply but, we really look forward to our readers submitting stories on their ancestors. We would love to receive something from YOU. Thanks.

      Lenora Gobert

  2. Strongly believe I’m related to Bernice Louise Delatte Carr (Seventh Ward Rosa Parks). Any additional information you can share? Would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I am looking for information about the ‘Esnard’ family in New Orleans. My grandfather was Joseph Esnard. Only the cousins are left, as the older generations have passed away awhile ago.

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